Tuesday, June 2, 2009

States with swine flu

states with swine flu

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states with swine flu
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Jun. 2, 2009 11:48 AM Associated Press GENEVA - The World Health Organization said Tuesday it is "getting closer" to declaring a global outbreak of the swine flu virus as the infection appears to be taking hold outside of North America. WHO flu chief Keiji Fukuda said the disease has reached 64 coun ... company, which provides electronic payment services, said it earned $18.6 million, or 22 cents per share, compared with a loss of $18 million, or 21 cents per share, for the same quarter of last year. Excluding one-time items, the company earned $14 woman has walked free from court after being cleared of trying to murder her mother in West Sussex with a pillow while she was sleep-walking. A judge directed a jury to acquit Donna Sheppard-Saunders of attempted murder after saying there was I know we are all a little nervous about this virus called "swine flu". I am getting updates from the CDC and watching the news closely. So far it has not come to Georgia but it has moved to several other states. Here are the states so far according to the CDC: Arizona 1 NY 51 California 14 Indiana 1 Kansas 2 Massachusetts 2 Michigan 2 Nevada 1 Ohio 1 Texas 16 with one death reported If you click on this link , you can get updates from the CDC and sign up for any updates. 


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